Rebecca K. Leane

New Physics Searches with the Sun

Dark Interactions in Neutron Stars

Detecting Dark Matter in Exoplanets

Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess

Fermilab Seminar (2019), USA, Photo by Dan Hooper

Munich Area Physics Colloquium (2022), Germany, Photo by TU Munich

TeVPA 2022 Plenary Talk, Canada, Photo by Aaron Vincent

(Declined invitations are not listed below.)



Dark Matter in Astrophysics I

Dark Matter in Astrophysics II

Invited Lecturer, N3AS Summer School on Multi-Messenger Astrophysics, Santa Cruz. July 2024


Dark Matter Theory I

Dark Matter Theory II

Invited Lecturer, SLAC Summer Institute (SSI). August 2022


Dark Matter Model Building

Guest Lecture, MIT graduate course "8.811: Particle Physics II". December 2017
Blackboard notes, 120 mins

Invited Plenary/Overview Talks and Colloquia

112.   New Ideas for Indirect Detection of Dark Matter
Invited Plenary Talk,
APS April Meeting, Sacramento CA, USA. April 2024

111.   Astrophysical Searches for Dark Matter
Invited Colloquium,
Texas A&M University, College Station TX, USA. November 2023

110.   Astrophysical Searches for Dark Matter
Invited Colloquium,
University of Nevada, Las Vegas NV, USA. September 2023

109.   Astrophysical Searches for Beyond the Standard Model Physics
Invited Plenary Talk,
Pheno 2023, Pittsburgh PA, USA. May 2023

108.   Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Colloquium,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. January 2023

107.   Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Plenary Talk,
TeVPA 2022, Kingston ON, Canada. August 2022

106.   Gamma-Ray Searches for Dark Matter
Invited Plenary Talk,
Identification of Dark Matter (IDM) 2022, Vienna, Austria. July 2022

105.   Snowmass Cosmic Frontier: Indirect Searches for Dark Matter
Invited Colloquium,
Snowmass Cosmic Frontier Colloquium Series, Online. June 2022

104.   Overview of Indirect Detection Searches for Dark Matter
Invited Overview Talk,
HEP/Astro Results Forum, Online. May 2022

103.   Status of the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess
Invited Colloquium,
Munich Area Physics Meeting, Munich, Germany. May 2022

102.   Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Colloquium,
SLAC, Menlo Park CA, USA. February 2022

101.   Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Colloquium,
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. December 2021

100.   Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Colloquium,
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. October 2021

99.   Overview of Indirect Searches for Dark Matter
Invited Plenary Talk,
Dark Matter 2021, Santander, Spain. September 2021

98.   Detecting Dark Matter in Stars and Planets
Invited Colloquium,
North Carolina State University, Rayleigh NC, USA, September 2021

97.   Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Plenary Talk,
EXPLORE workshop, Germany. August 2021

96.   Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Plenary Talk,
Planck 2021, Durham, UK. June 2021

95.   Detecting Dark Matter in Planets
Invited Colloquium,
Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. May 2021

94.   Dark Matter in Stars and Planets
Invited Colloquium,
University of Chicago KICP, Chicago IL, USA. May 2021

93.   Exoplanets as Dark Matter Detectors
Invited Colloquium,
SUNY Albany, Albany NY, USA. March 2021

92.   A Puzzle at the Galactic Center
Invited Colloquium,
Northeastern University, Boston MA, USA. February 2021

91.   Exoplanets as Sub-GeV Dark Matter Detectors
Invited Plenary Talk,
Light Dark World 2020, Sydney, Australia (remote). December 2020

90.   Status of the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess
Invited Plenary Talk,
Identification of Dark Matter (IDM) 2020, Vienna, Austria (remote). July 2020

89.   Indirect Detection of Dark Matter in the Galaxy
Invited Plenary Talk,
3rd World Summit on Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe, Guadeloupe (remote). March 2020

88.   A Story of the Galactic Center Excess
Invited Colloquium,
MIT, LNS, Cambridge MA, USA. February 2020

87.   Interplay of Collider and Indirect Searches for Dark Matter
Invited Plenary Talk,
DM@LHC 2019, Seattle WA, USA. August 2019

86.   A Tour of the Universe: The Hunt for Dark Matter
Invited Colloquium,
University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia. December 2018

85.   Dark Matter Theory and New Searches
Invited Overview Talk,
CAASTRO-CoEPP Joint Workshop, Melbourne VIC, Australia. January 2017

84.   Impact of Mass Generation for Simplified Dark Matter Models
Invited Plenary Talk,
ATLAS Astroparticle Forum Plenary Meeting, CERN Geneva. November 2016

Seminars and Other Conference Talks:

83.   Detecting a Dark Matter Population Inside the Earth
Invited Seminar,
Latin-American Webinars in Physics, Online. November 2023

82.   Upcoming
Invited Seminar,
University of Oregon, Eugene OR. October 2023

81.   Systematics for Non-Poissonian Template Fitting
Invited Talk,
Galactic Center Excess Workshop, Rutgers NY, USA. June 2023

80.   Gamma-Ray Searches for Dark Matter with Astrophysical Objects
Invited Talk,
Future Gamma Telescope Workshop, Chicago IL, USA. May 2023

79.   Upcoming
Invited Talk,
Invited Symposium Speaker, APS April Conference, Minnesota, USA. April 2023

78.   Indirect Detection of Dark Matter
Invited Talk,
Aspen Winter Conference, Aspen CO, USA. March 2023

77.   Evaporation Barrier for Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Talk,
Invited Talk, Stony Brook Simons Workshop, Stony Brook NY, USA. March 2023

76.   Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Seminar,
McGill University, Québec, Canada. November 2022

75.   Floating Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Seminar,
Fermilab, Batavia IL. October 2022

74.   Floating Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Seminar,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City UT, USA. September 2022

73.   Floating Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Seminar,
University of Hawaii, Manoa HI, USA. May 2022

72.   Floating Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Seminar,
Stanford University, Stanford CA, USA. April 2022

71.   Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Seminar,
University of Kentucky, Lexington KY, USA. March 2022

70.   Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Seminar,
Kings College London, London UK. March 2022

69.   Gamma-Ray Searches for Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Talk,
Bay Area Theoretical Physics Meeting, San Francisco CA, USA. March 2022

68.   Gamma-Ray Searches for Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Talk,
FISICA 2022, Mainz, Germany. March 2022

67.   Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Seminar,
Rutgers University, Piscataway NJ, USA. December 2021

66.   Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Seminar,
Colgate U., Hamilton NY, USA. November 2021

65.   Gamma-Ray Searches for Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Parallel Talk,
PANIC 2021, Lisbon, Portugal (remote). September 2021

64.   Detecting Dark Matter in Planets
Invited Seminar,
Max-Planck Institute, Heidelberg, Germany (remote). July 2021

63.   Detecting Dark Matter in Planets
Invited Seminar,
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA (remote). June 2021

62.   Dark Matter in Stars and Planets
Invited Seminar,
Imperial College London, London UK (remote). April 2021

61.   Latest Developments for the Galactic Center Excess
Invited Seminar,
University of Torino, Torino, Italy (remote). April 2021

60.   Exoplanets as Sub-GeV Dark Matter Detectors
Invited Talk,
Aspen Center for Physics Winter Conf., Aspen CO, USA (remote). March 2021

59.   Dark Matter in Stars and Planets
Invited Seminar,
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame IN, USA (remote). March 2021

58.   Dark Matter in Stars and Planets
Invited Seminar,
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Brookhaven NY, USA (remote). February 2021

57.   Dark Matter in Stars and Planets
Invited Seminar,
Queen's University, Kingston ON, Canada (remote). February 2021

56.   A Story of the Galactic Center Excess
Invited Seminar,
SITP, Stanford University, Stanford CA, USA (remote). December 2020

55.   Exoplanets as Sub-GeV Dark Matter Detectors
Invited Seminar,
Caltech, Pasadena CA, USA (remote). December 2020

54.   Exoplanets as New Sub-GeV Dark Matter Detectors
Invited Talk,
3rd South American DM Workshop, Brazil (remote). December 2020

53.   Exoplanets as New Sub-GeV Dark Matter Detectors
Invited Seminar,
UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz CA, USA (remote). November 2020

52.   Detecting Dark Matter in Exoplanets
Invited Seminar,
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park CA, USA (remote). November 2020

51.   Hidden Sectors
Invited Talk,
CF-01 Snowmass Meeting (remote). August 2020

50.   A Story of the Galactic Center Excess
Invited Seminar,
University of Sydney, Sydney Australia (remote). August 2020

49.   A Story of the Galactic Center Excess
Invited Seminar,
Kavli IPMU, Tokyo, Japan (remote). May 2020

48.   Cooking Pasta with Dark Matter
Parallel Talk,
Pheno 2020, Pittsburgh PA, USA (remote). May 2020

47.   (Talk postponed due to COVID-19)
Invited Talk,
LCTP Symposium: Astrophysical Signatures of DM, Ann Arbor MI, USA. May 2020

46.   (Talk postponed due to COVID-19)
Invited Talk,
Aspen Winter Conference on Particle Physics, Aspen CO, USA. March 2020

45.   A Story of the Galactic Center Excess
Invited Seminar,
U. Mass Amherst, Amherst MA, USA. February 2020

44.   A Story of the Galactic Center Excess
Invited Seminar,
Tufts University, Medford MA, USA. February 2020

43.   The Hunt for Dark Matter: Hints and New Searches
Invited Seminar,
Boston University, Boston MA, USA. November 2019

42.   The Hunt for Dark Matter: Hints and New Searches
Invited Seminar,
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park CA, USA. October 2019

41.   Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center
Invited Seminar,
Texas A&M University, College Station TX, USA. October 2019

40.   Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center
Invited Seminar,
MIT Center for Theoretical Physics, Cambridge MA, USA. September 2019

39.   Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center
Invited Seminar,
Perimeter Institute, Waterloo ON, Canada. June 2019

38.   Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center
Invited Talk,
Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen CO, USA. June 2019

37.   Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center
Invited Seminar,
University of Chicago/KICP, Chicago IL, USA. April 2019

36.   Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center
Invited Seminar,
Brown University, Providence RI, USA. April 2019

35.   Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center
Invited Seminar,
Fermilab, Batavia IL, USA. March 2019

34.   Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center
Invited Seminar,
Brandeis University, Boston MA, USA. March 2019

33.   Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center
Invited Seminar,
Princeton University, Princeton NJ, USA. February 2019

32.   Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center
Invited Talk,
TRIUMF Dark Matter Workshop, Vancover BC, Canada. February 2019

31.   Tricking Non-Poissonian Template Fitting: Dark Matter Hiding at the Galactic Center?
Parallel Talk,
DESY Theory Workshop, Hamburg, Germany. September 2018

30.   Tricking Non-Poissonian Template Fitting: Dark Matter Hiding at the Galactic Center?
University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia. September 2018

29.   Point Sources at the Galactic Center
Parallel Talk,
IDM 2018, Providence RI, USA. July 2018

28.   GeV-Scale Thermal WIMPs: Not Even Slightly Dead
Parallel Talk,
IDM 2018, Providence RI, USA. July 2018

27.   GeV-Scale Thermal WIMPs: Not Even Slightly Dead
Parallel (Invited) Talk,
PASCOS 2018, Cleveland OH, USA. June 2018

26.   GeV-Mass Thermal WIMPs: Not Even Slightly Dead
Parallel Talk,
Pheno 2018, Pittsburgh PA, USA. May 2018

25.   GeV-Mass Thermal WIMPs: Not Even Slightly Dead
Invited Seminar,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA, USA. April 2018

24.   GeV-Mass Thermal WIMPs: Not Even Slightly Dead
Invited Seminar,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley CA, USA. April 2018

23.   GeV-Mass Thermal WIMPs: Not Even Slightly Dead
Invited Seminar,
Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics, Ann Arbor MI, USA. April 2018

22.   GeV-Mass Thermal WIMPs: Not Even Slightly Dead
Invited Seminar,
Dartmouth University, Hanover NH, USA. April 2018

21.   GeV-Mass Thermal WIMPs: Not Even Slightly Dead
Invited Seminar,
University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia. January 2018

20.   Novel Signatures of Dark Matter in the Sky
Invited Seminar,
MIT Center for Theoretical Physics, Cambridge MA, USA. September 2017

19.   Phenomenology of Particle Dark Matter
PhD Completion Seminar,
University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia. March 2017

18.   Novel Signatures of Dark Matter in the Sky
Invited Seminar,
TRIUMF, Vancouver BC, Canada (remote). December 2016

17.   Unitarity and Gauge Invariance in Dark Matter Models
Invited Talk,
CETUP Dark Matter Workshop, Deadwood SD, USA. July 2016

16.   Dark Forces in the Sky: Signals from Z' and the Dark Higgs
Invited Seminar,
CCAPP, Ohio State University, Columbus OH, USA. June 2016

15.   Unitarity and Gauge Invariance in Dark Matter Models
Invited Seminar,
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH, USA. May 2016

14.   Dark Forces in the Sky: Signals from Z' and the Dark Higgs
Invited Seminar,
UC Riverside, Riverside CA, USA. May 2016

13.   Dark Forces in the Sky: Signals from Z' and the Dark Higgs
Invited Seminar,
UC Irvine, Irvine CA, USA. May 2016

12.   Dark Forces in the Sky: Signals from Z' and the Dark Higgs
Parallel Talk,
Pheno 2016 Symposium, Pittsburgh PA, USA. May 2016

11.   Dark Forces in the Sky: Signals from Z' and the Dark Higgs
Invited Seminar,
University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia. April 2016

10.   Dark Matter at the LHC
Invited Seminar,
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park CA, USA. October 2015

9.   Dark Matter at the LHC
Invited Seminar,
CCAPP, Ohio State University, Columbus OH, USA. September 2015

8.   Dark Matter at the LHC
Invited Seminar,
Fermilab, Batavia IL, USA. September 2015

7.   Dark Matter at the LHC
Invited Seminar,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN, USA. September 2015

6.   Dark Matter at the LHC: EFTs and Gauge Invariance
Parallel Talk,
SUSY2015, Lake Tahoe CA, USA. August 2015

5.   Dark Matter at the LHC: EFTs, Gauge Invariance and the Mono-W
Invited Seminar,
University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia. August 2015

4.   Dark Matter at the LHC: EFTs and Gauge Invariance
Geoff Opat Seminar Series,
University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia. April 2015

3.   Leptophilic Dark Matter with Z' Interactions
Parallel Talk,
CoSPA2014, Auckland, New Zealand. December 2014

2.   Leptophilic Dark Matter with Z' Interactions
Contributed Talk,
RESCEU APCosPA Summer School, Matsumoto, Japan. July 2014

1.   Dark Matter and the Universe
Invited Talk,
University of Cambridge, UK. June 2013

Staff Scientist in the Particle Theory Group at SLAC.

Senior Member, Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology at Stanford.

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Stanford University
2575 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
