Fermilab Seminar (2019), USA, Photo by Dan Hooper | |
Munich Area Physics Colloquium (2022), Germany, Photo by TU Munich | |
TeVPA 2022 Plenary Talk, Canada, Photo by Aaron Vincent | |
(Declined invitations are not listed below.) | |
Lectures | |
3. |
Dark Matter in Astrophysics I Dark Matter in Astrophysics II Invited Lecturer, N3AS Summer School on Multi-Messenger Astrophysics, Santa Cruz. July 2024 |
2. |
Dark Matter Theory I Dark Matter Theory II Invited Lecturer, SLAC Summer Institute (SSI). August 2022 |
1. |
Dark Matter Model Building Guest Lecture, MIT graduate course "8.811: Particle Physics II". December 2017 Blackboard notes, 120 mins |
Invited Plenary/Overview Talks and Colloquia | |
112. |
New Ideas for Indirect Detection of Dark Matter Invited Plenary Talk, APS April Meeting, Sacramento CA, USA. April 2024 |
111. |
Astrophysical Searches for Dark Matter Invited Colloquium, Texas A&M University, College Station TX, USA. November 2023 |
110. |
Astrophysical Searches for Dark Matter Invited Colloquium, University of Nevada, Las Vegas NV, USA. September 2023 |
109. |
Astrophysical Searches for Beyond the Standard Model Physics Invited Plenary Talk, Pheno 2023, Pittsburgh PA, USA. May 2023 |
108. |
Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Colloquium, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. January 2023 |
107. |
Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Plenary Talk, TeVPA 2022, Kingston ON, Canada. August 2022 |
106. |
Gamma-Ray Searches for Dark Matter Invited Plenary Talk, Identification of Dark Matter (IDM) 2022, Vienna, Austria. July 2022 |
105. |
Snowmass Cosmic Frontier: Indirect Searches for Dark Matter Invited Colloquium, Snowmass Cosmic Frontier Colloquium Series, Online. June 2022 |
104. |
Overview of Indirect Detection Searches for Dark Matter Invited Overview Talk, HEP/Astro Results Forum, Online. May 2022 |
103. |
Status of the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess Invited Colloquium, Munich Area Physics Meeting, Munich, Germany. May 2022 |
102. |
Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Colloquium, SLAC, Menlo Park CA, USA. February 2022 |
101. |
Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Colloquium, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. December 2021 |
100. |
Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Colloquium, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. October 2021 |
99. |
Overview of Indirect Searches for Dark Matter Invited Plenary Talk, Dark Matter 2021, Santander, Spain. September 2021 |
98. |
Detecting Dark Matter in Stars and Planets Invited Colloquium, North Carolina State University, Rayleigh NC, USA, September 2021 |
97. |
Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Plenary Talk, EXPLORE workshop, Germany. August 2021 |
96. |
Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Plenary Talk, Planck 2021, Durham, UK. June 2021 |
95. |
Detecting Dark Matter in Planets Invited Colloquium, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. May 2021 |
94. |
Dark Matter in Stars and Planets Invited Colloquium, University of Chicago KICP, Chicago IL, USA. May 2021 |
93. |
Exoplanets as Dark Matter Detectors Invited Colloquium, SUNY Albany, Albany NY, USA. March 2021 |
92. |
A Puzzle at the Galactic Center Invited Colloquium, Northeastern University, Boston MA, USA. February 2021 |
91. |
Exoplanets as Sub-GeV Dark Matter Detectors Invited Plenary Talk, Light Dark World 2020, Sydney, Australia (remote). December 2020 |
90. |
Status of the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess Invited Plenary Talk, Identification of Dark Matter (IDM) 2020, Vienna, Austria (remote). July 2020 |
89. |
Indirect Detection of Dark Matter in the Galaxy Invited Plenary Talk, 3rd World Summit on Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe, Guadeloupe (remote). March 2020 |
88. |
A Story of the Galactic Center Excess Invited Colloquium, MIT, LNS, Cambridge MA, USA. February 2020 |
87. |
Interplay of Collider and Indirect Searches for Dark Matter Invited Plenary Talk, DM@LHC 2019, Seattle WA, USA. August 2019 |
86. |
A Tour of the Universe: The Hunt for Dark Matter Invited Colloquium, University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia. December 2018 |
85. |
Dark Matter Theory and New Searches Invited Overview Talk, CAASTRO-CoEPP Joint Workshop, Melbourne VIC, Australia. January 2017 |
84. |
Impact of Mass Generation for Simplified Dark Matter Models Invited Plenary Talk, ATLAS Astroparticle Forum Plenary Meeting, CERN Geneva. November 2016 |
Seminars and Other Conference Talks: | |
83. |
Detecting a Dark Matter Population Inside the Earth Invited Seminar, Latin-American Webinars in Physics, Online. November 2023 |
82. |
Upcoming Invited Seminar, University of Oregon, Eugene OR. October 2023 |
81. |
Systematics for Non-Poissonian Template Fitting Invited Talk, Galactic Center Excess Workshop, Rutgers NY, USA. June 2023 |
80. |
Gamma-Ray Searches for Dark Matter with Astrophysical Objects Invited Talk, Future Gamma Telescope Workshop, Chicago IL, USA. May 2023 |
79. |
Upcoming Invited Talk, Invited Symposium Speaker, APS April Conference, Minnesota, USA. April 2023 |
78. |
Indirect Detection of Dark Matter Invited Talk, Aspen Winter Conference, Aspen CO, USA. March 2023 |
77. |
Evaporation Barrier for Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Talk, Invited Talk, Stony Brook Simons Workshop, Stony Brook NY, USA. March 2023 |
76. |
Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Seminar, McGill University, Québec, Canada. November 2022 |
75. |
Floating Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Seminar, Fermilab, Batavia IL. October 2022 |
74. |
Floating Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Seminar, University of Utah, Salt Lake City UT, USA. September 2022 |
73. |
Floating Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Seminar, University of Hawaii, Manoa HI, USA. May 2022 |
72. |
Floating Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Seminar, Stanford University, Stanford CA, USA. April 2022 |
71. |
Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Seminar, University of Kentucky, Lexington KY, USA. March 2022 |
70. |
Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Seminar, Kings College London, London UK. March 2022 |
69. |
Gamma-Ray Searches for Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Talk, Bay Area Theoretical Physics Meeting, San Francisco CA, USA. March 2022 |
68. |
Gamma-Ray Searches for Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Talk, FISICA 2022, Mainz, Germany. March 2022 |
67. |
Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Seminar, Rutgers University, Piscataway NJ, USA. December 2021 |
66. |
Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies
Invited Seminar, Colgate U., Hamilton NY, USA. November 2021 |
65. |
Gamma-Ray Searches for Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Invited Parallel Talk, PANIC 2021, Lisbon, Portugal (remote). September 2021 |
64. |
Detecting Dark Matter in Planets Invited Seminar, Max-Planck Institute, Heidelberg, Germany (remote). July 2021 |
63. |
Detecting Dark Matter in Planets Invited Seminar, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA (remote). June 2021 |
62. |
Dark Matter in Stars and Planets Invited Seminar, Imperial College London, London UK (remote). April 2021 |
61. |
Latest Developments for the Galactic Center Excess Invited Seminar, University of Torino, Torino, Italy (remote). April 2021 |
60. |
Exoplanets as Sub-GeV Dark Matter Detectors Invited Talk, Aspen Center for Physics Winter Conf., Aspen CO, USA (remote). March 2021 |
59. |
Dark Matter in Stars and Planets Invited Seminar, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame IN, USA (remote). March 2021 |
58. |
Dark Matter in Stars and Planets Invited Seminar, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Brookhaven NY, USA (remote). February 2021 |
57. |
Dark Matter in Stars and Planets Invited Seminar, Queen's University, Kingston ON, Canada (remote). February 2021 |
56. |
A Story of the Galactic Center Excess Invited Seminar, SITP, Stanford University, Stanford CA, USA (remote). December 2020 |
55. |
Exoplanets as Sub-GeV Dark Matter Detectors Invited Seminar, Caltech, Pasadena CA, USA (remote). December 2020 |
54. |
Exoplanets as New Sub-GeV Dark Matter Detectors Invited Talk, 3rd South American DM Workshop, Brazil (remote). December 2020 |
53. |
Exoplanets as New Sub-GeV Dark Matter Detectors Invited Seminar, UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz CA, USA (remote). November 2020 |
52. |
Detecting Dark Matter in Exoplanets Invited Seminar, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park CA, USA (remote). November 2020 |
51. |
Hidden Sectors Invited Talk, CF-01 Snowmass Meeting (remote). August 2020 |
50. |
A Story of the Galactic Center Excess Invited Seminar, University of Sydney, Sydney Australia (remote). August 2020 |
49. |
A Story of the Galactic Center Excess Invited Seminar, Kavli IPMU, Tokyo, Japan (remote). May 2020 |
48. |
Cooking Pasta with Dark Matter Parallel Talk, Pheno 2020, Pittsburgh PA, USA (remote). May 2020 |
47. |
(Talk postponed due to COVID-19) Invited Talk, LCTP Symposium: Astrophysical Signatures of DM, Ann Arbor MI, USA. May 2020 |
46. |
(Talk postponed due to COVID-19) Invited Talk, Aspen Winter Conference on Particle Physics, Aspen CO, USA. March 2020 |
45. |
A Story of the Galactic Center Excess Invited Seminar, U. Mass Amherst, Amherst MA, USA. February 2020 |
44. |
A Story of the Galactic Center Excess Invited Seminar, Tufts University, Medford MA, USA. February 2020 |
43. |
The Hunt for Dark Matter: Hints and New Searches Invited Seminar, Boston University, Boston MA, USA. November 2019 |
42. |
The Hunt for Dark Matter: Hints and New Searches Invited Seminar, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park CA, USA. October 2019 |
41. |
Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center Invited Seminar, Texas A&M University, College Station TX, USA. October 2019 |
40. |
Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center Invited Seminar, MIT Center for Theoretical Physics, Cambridge MA, USA. September 2019 |
39. |
Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center Invited Seminar, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo ON, Canada. June 2019 |
38. |
Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center Invited Talk, Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen CO, USA. June 2019 |
37. |
Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center Invited Seminar, University of Chicago/KICP, Chicago IL, USA. April 2019 |
36. |
Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center Invited Seminar, Brown University, Providence RI, USA. April 2019 |
35. |
Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center Invited Seminar, Fermilab, Batavia IL, USA. March 2019 |
34. |
Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center Invited Seminar, Brandeis University, Boston MA, USA. March 2019 |
33. |
Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center Invited Seminar, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, USA. February 2019 |
32. |
Dark Matter Strikes Back at the Galactic Center Invited Talk, TRIUMF Dark Matter Workshop, Vancover BC, Canada. February 2019 |
31. |
Tricking Non-Poissonian Template Fitting: Dark Matter Hiding at the Galactic Center? Parallel Talk, DESY Theory Workshop, Hamburg, Germany. September 2018 |
30. |
Tricking Non-Poissonian Template Fitting: Dark Matter Hiding at the Galactic Center? Seminar, University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia. September 2018 |
29. |
Point Sources at the Galactic Center Parallel Talk, IDM 2018, Providence RI, USA. July 2018 |
28. |
GeV-Scale Thermal WIMPs: Not Even Slightly Dead Parallel Talk, IDM 2018, Providence RI, USA. July 2018 |
27. |
GeV-Scale Thermal WIMPs: Not Even Slightly Dead Parallel (Invited) Talk, PASCOS 2018, Cleveland OH, USA. June 2018 |
26. |
GeV-Mass Thermal WIMPs: Not Even Slightly Dead Parallel Talk, Pheno 2018, Pittsburgh PA, USA. May 2018 |
25. |
GeV-Mass Thermal WIMPs: Not Even Slightly Dead Invited Seminar, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA, USA. April 2018 |
24. |
GeV-Mass Thermal WIMPs: Not Even Slightly Dead Invited Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley CA, USA. April 2018 |
23. |
GeV-Mass Thermal WIMPs: Not Even Slightly Dead Invited Seminar, Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics, Ann Arbor MI, USA. April 2018 |
22. |
GeV-Mass Thermal WIMPs: Not Even Slightly Dead Invited Seminar, Dartmouth University, Hanover NH, USA. April 2018 |
21. |
GeV-Mass Thermal WIMPs: Not Even Slightly Dead Invited Seminar, University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia. January 2018 |
20. |
Novel Signatures of Dark Matter in the Sky Invited Seminar, MIT Center for Theoretical Physics, Cambridge MA, USA. September 2017 |
19. |
Phenomenology of Particle Dark Matter PhD Completion Seminar, University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia. March 2017 |
18. |
Novel Signatures of Dark Matter in the Sky Invited Seminar, TRIUMF, Vancouver BC, Canada (remote). December 2016 |
17. |
Unitarity and Gauge Invariance in Dark Matter Models Invited Talk, CETUP Dark Matter Workshop, Deadwood SD, USA. July 2016 |
16. |
Dark Forces in the Sky: Signals from Z' and the Dark Higgs Invited Seminar, CCAPP, Ohio State University, Columbus OH, USA. June 2016 |
15. |
Unitarity and Gauge Invariance in Dark Matter Models Invited Seminar, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH, USA. May 2016 |
14. |
Dark Forces in the Sky: Signals from Z' and the Dark Higgs Invited Seminar, UC Riverside, Riverside CA, USA. May 2016 |
13. |
Dark Forces in the Sky: Signals from Z' and the Dark Higgs Invited Seminar, UC Irvine, Irvine CA, USA. May 2016 |
12. |
Dark Forces in the Sky: Signals from Z' and the Dark Higgs Parallel Talk, Pheno 2016 Symposium, Pittsburgh PA, USA. May 2016 |
11. |
Dark Forces in the Sky: Signals from Z' and the Dark Higgs Invited Seminar, University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia. April 2016 |
10. |
Dark Matter at the LHC Invited Seminar, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park CA, USA. October 2015 |
9. |
Dark Matter at the LHC Invited Seminar, CCAPP, Ohio State University, Columbus OH, USA. September 2015 |
8. |
Dark Matter at the LHC Invited Seminar, Fermilab, Batavia IL, USA. September 2015 |
7. |
Dark Matter at the LHC Invited Seminar, Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN, USA. September 2015 |
6. |
Dark Matter at the LHC: EFTs and Gauge Invariance Parallel Talk, SUSY2015, Lake Tahoe CA, USA. August 2015 |
5. |
Dark Matter at the LHC: EFTs, Gauge Invariance and the Mono-W Invited Seminar, University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia. August 2015 |
4. |
Dark Matter at the LHC: EFTs and Gauge Invariance Geoff Opat Seminar Series, University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia. April 2015 |
3. |
Leptophilic Dark Matter with Z' Interactions Parallel Talk, CoSPA2014, Auckland, New Zealand. December 2014 |
2. |
Leptophilic Dark Matter with Z' Interactions Contributed Talk, RESCEU APCosPA Summer School, Matsumoto, Japan. July 2014 |
1. |
Dark Matter and the Universe Invited Talk, University of Cambridge, UK. June 2013 |